Tuesday, February 8, 2011

End of January 2011 update........

Where we are so far.........

The Lounge has been replastered and all the woodword sanded. The fireplace has been taken out for restoration and due back end of February.  The coving is causing us a problem at the minute.  It appears that previous owners have tried to remove the gloss paintwork but gave up so it was very patchy. We're attempting to take the coving back to its original plaster and is taking some doing.  We're half way round the room.

Dining room is stripped ready for plastering.  Woodwork needs to be prepped.

The kitchen is progressing much slower than we'd like, only because we've had to obtain some engineer reports before taking a supporting wall out and we've also had to invoke the party wall act procedure.   Paul has managed to strip back a wall to bare brick as the plaster was shot.

The central heating system is coming along nicely, Plumber Paul has installed the boiler and is coming back this weekend to install the megaflo tank.  We're also about ready to order the lovely cast iron radiators.

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